You may have heard of allergy shots before. Allergy drops (aka SLIT – sublingual immunotherapy)  is a therapy done at home that uses drops held under your tongue to achieve similar results.
SLIT uses micro-doses of allergens that over time desensitizes your immune system to them.

All the benefits of allergy shots without the pain.
SLIT is specifically formulated to match your allergy testing and other health conditions, so it is
personalized medicine at its best.


3 easy steps:

    1. Consultation
    2. Testing – you may have had this already. Just bring your results
    3. Start drops

None of the drawbacks of shots:

    • No painful injections
    • No weekly visits for shots
    • No 20-minute waits in the office after your shots
    • No Co-pays for injections
    • No lost time from work to get injections
    • No problem with air travel


Call Dr. Paul at 360-746-7167 more information or to schedule your appointment.